When I was a boy, I recall my first flicker of interest in the fairer sex: it was the shapely actress, Raquel Welch, barely dressed as the leading Lady in ‘One Million Years BC.’
Continue reading “The Land That Time Forgot”Author: Jim Lewis-Clarke
The Age of Consent
This week I went for yet another scan at my local hospital. On arrival I was given the usual consent form to sign.
Continue reading “The Age of Consent”The Lavender Bush
When I was first diagnosed with prostate cancer I was given early chemotherapy. I was told that sepsis was a very real risk during treatment and that there were certain things I must not do or eat to avoid it.
Continue reading “The Lavender Bush”Holiday Blues
I’m trying to enjoy my holiday
It cost a small fortune and I can’t fault the hotel, the location or the staff, but I miss home.
Continue reading “Holiday Blues”The truth, the whole truth…and a little bit of poetic license
Having announced my decision to give up on the cancer treatment, I was invited to join the lads for a little soirée in Exeter. “Not just the lads but the proper lads”, Mark told me. “I’ll pick you up at seven.”
Continue reading “The truth, the whole truth…and a little bit of poetic license”A Question of Trust
In whom or in what do you trust?
People put their trust in all sorts of things only later to realise that they were a false hope.
Continue reading “A Question of Trust”A Clearer Picture
Since I came here a few weeks ago the new unit has been opened at the Royal Marsden Hospital; It’s a different experience altogether.
Continue reading “A Clearer Picture”Science, The Science and Anything BUT the Science
During the covid pandemic I was considered to be a right-wing conspiracy theorist for questioning the official narrative: That to ask about the Chinese origins of the virus was racist; that porous cloth masks were suddenly considered to be effective; that the wildly erroneous modelling predictions of Professor Lockdown, Neil Ferguson, must be followed and that lockdowns, ex post facto, were on balance, a jolly good idea.
Continue reading “Science, The Science and Anything BUT the Science”A Sign of the Times
It’s scan day, but for the first time, I’ve been sent to the Nightingale hospital, built during the Covid pandemic (then unused) in Exeter.
Continue reading “A Sign of the Times”Bad habits
Like our mother, my brother suffered with bad teeth and gums.
Mum had a false set which were entirely presentable but she never managed to break a lifetime’s habit of waving a self-conscious hand over her teeth when she laughed. I only ever saw her once without them and the horror of that visage still lives with me. A different bird altogether.
Continue reading “Bad habits”